You can customize keyboard shortcuts to boost your workflow and find hidden features. You can view, edit, and reset keyboard shortcuts in the Settings > Hotkeys.
How it works
To edit or set up a keyboard shortcut, select input and use the appropriate shortcut on your keyboard to apply a new combination.
To remove a keyboard shortcut, select ✖ button in the input.
Reset settings button restores all keyboard shortcuts to the defaults.
There are three sections:
Capture screenshots
Capture area | To capture a part of the screen |
Capture fullscreen | To capture all connected screens at once |
Capture previous area | To repeat the previous capture with the same size and placement |
Capture fullscreen with delay | To run timer before capturing area |
Capture area and upload | To select area and auto-upload to the default cloud storage |
Capture frozen area | To freeze the screen before capturing the area |
Open last screenshot | To open the latest captured screenshot in the Monosnap editor |
Show or hide Dropzone | To show or hide Dropzone from the desktop |
Open from clipboard | To open an image from the clipboard in the Monosnap editor |
Video recording
Open | Record | Pause |
To show video recording interface, if it's not on the screen To start the recording, if the interface is already on the screen To pause or continue the recording, if it already started |
Stop | To stop video recording |
Webcam | To show or hide webcam before or during the video recording |
Arrow | To select Arrow tool during the video recording |
Rectangle | To select Rectangle tool during the video recording |
Pen | To select Pen tool during the video recording |
📌 All screenshots were created via the Monosnap app for this guide 😇
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