If there was a malfunction of Monosnap or conflict settings — complete re-installation may save the situation.
⚠️ All your settings including accounts will be removed ⚠️
To completely reinstall Monosnap:
- Quit Monosnap application.
- Copy the command below and paste to the File Explorer:
- In the opened window, find and remove Monosnap folder.
- Copy and paste this command to the File Explorer:
- In the opened window, find and remove Monosnap folder.
- Erase Recycle Bin.
- Uninstall Monosnap with Control Panel > Program and Components.
- Install Monosnap again.
After you completely reinstall Monosnap, everything must work fine. In other cases, please let us know about your issue — support@monosnap.com 💌
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✉️ Questions, comments, concerns? Contact us: support@monosnap.com